How Do Solar Panels Work?

1. Sunlight Hits the Panels: When the sun is up, its light hits your solar panels. These panels are made of tiny units that can capture sunlight.

2. Light Gets Transformed: Inside these units, the sunlight gets transformed. It nudges little particles (called electrons) to move and start a flow.

3. Flow Becomes Electricity: This flow is what we call electricity. But this type of electricity can’t be used in your home just yet.

4. Electricity Gets Converted: So, we use a device called an inverter. This device changes the electricity into a type your home can use.

5. Electricity Powers Your Home: Now, you can use the electricity to power your lights, TV, fridge, and other devices.

6. Extra Power is Saved: If your panels make more electricity than you use, it can be saved for a cloudy day or given back to the city’s power grid.

And that’s it! That’s how sunlight becomes the electricity that powers your home. At TurnTech Solutions, we can help you set up these amazing sunlight-capturing panels and start saving money on your energy bills.

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